Youth Mentoring Services

What We Do?

At YOU-Zone we form relationships with young people, helping us to understand their struggles, dreams, and unique qualities. We identify their needs and provide personalized support accordingly.

Today’s youth face a range of challenges including:

  • Neurodiversity
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of confidence
  • Low self-esteem
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • School refusal
  • Crime
  • Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
  • Child criminal exploitation (CCE)
  • Mental health problems
  • School refusal
  • Special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
  • Alcohol and drug use
You zone service
What We Do

We help young people build confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth and celebrate their diversity, strengths, and positive traits. We know that navigating emotions can be tough, especially anger. Our work with the young person helps them to develop healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills.

By providing a safe space where young people feel heard, seen and valued, we help them to work on issues such as social isolation, lack of confidence, or mental health struggles.

Knowing our goals, we use the right measures to track our progress. By collecting data, we can measure the impact of the mentoring programme, enabling us to do more of what works and tweak the areas our young people feel can be improved. 

We are transparent with your stakeholders and the communities that we support. Sharing the results of our impact assessment with stakeholders and the community helps show how the YOU-Zone mentoring service is making a difference.